This week, as our country celebrated our independence, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to our personal freedoms. These freedoms include – but are certainly not limited to –...
The U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling today on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The Justices ruled that the individual mandate — the requirement that most Americans...
Below is a personal note from mother and actor, Amanda Peet. We hope you will consider joining her efforts and voicing your support to Congress about the importance of eradicating...
I just read some interesting survey results in Health News Digest regarding the risk of pertussis in infants. “A large majority of parents with children aged 2 years and younger...
You know all the crazy stuff you read about vaccines….the myths your friends remain fearful of…the articles that people send you that claim vaccines are toxic and dangerous? Well,...
Starting with the launch of the Shot@Life PSA in Times Square, actress and Every Child By Two Vaccine Ambassador, Amanda Peet has been busy bringing national exposure to the...
It’s encouraging to see what can be accomplished when we insist on accurate vaccination messages. Earlier this week, a concerned parent who frequently comments on our Vaccinate Your Baby Facebook...
Modern culture is often reflected in everything from the skewed view of popular reality shows and viral YouTube videos, to the personal discussions friends have on Facebook and in online chat rooms. Since we are bombarded by such a wide...
Last week I heard about a woman, opposed to vaccines, that presents business cards to random strangers, like the pregnant teller at the bank. The card directs people to information that is intended to deter them from...
We already know that there is a pertussis epidemic in Washington State. But here’s the update today. The Governor is tapping into an emergency fund to help contain the epidemic and...