The Vaccine Mom Videos

Are Vaccines Made with Fetal Cells? The Vaccine Mom Explains.

In this video for the Shot of Prevention blog, Taryn (AKA “The Vaccine Mom”) — a molecular biologist and mom of two — tackles the question: Are vaccines made...

Can COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Your DNA? The Vaccine Mom Explains.

 In this video for the Shot of Prevention blog, Taryn (AKA “The Vaccine Mom”) — a molecular biologist and mom of two — discusses how mRNA vaccines work...

The Vaccine Mom on Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects

In this video for the Shot of Prevention blog, Taryn (AKA “The Vaccine Mom”) interviews friend and emergency physician, Stephanie, about the coronavirus vaccine side effects she experienced after...

Top Shot of Prevention Posts from 2020

If you’ve missed a post or three on Vaccinate Your Family’s Shot of Prevention blog this year, we don’t blame you. The COVID-19 pandemic turned many of our lives...

The Vaccine Mom Discusses COVID-19 Vaccines with Researcher Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi

In this video for Shot of Prevention, Taryn (aka “The Vaccine Mom“) spoke with COVID-19 vaccine researcher Maria Elena Bottazzi, PhD from Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) about what...

The Vaccine Mom Explains: Is the Aluminum Used in Some Vaccines Safe?

Taryn (aka “The Vaccine Mom”) explains why aluminum is in certain vaccines and what research shows about its safety.  The small amount of aluminum salts in some vaccines helps...

The Vaccine Mom Answers Questions About Vaccines

Should parents space out their child’s vaccinations? Are vaccine-preventable diseases like measles or meningitis even in the U.S. any more? Should you take your children for well-check and vaccine...

The Vaccine Mom Explains Natural vs. Vaccine Immunity: Which Is Better?

The Vaccine Mom, a molecular biologist and mother of two, discusses the difference between natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity and why vaccination is the much safer choice for you...

The Vaccine Mom Discusses Thimerosal in Vaccines

The Vaccine Mom, a molecular biologist and mother of two, explains: Why thimerosal, a preservative containing ethyl mercury, was added to some vaccines How ethylmercury differs from methylmercury (the...

The Vaccine Mom Discusses How a COVID-19 Vaccine Would Work

The Vaccine Mom, a molecular biologist and mother of two, explains how a COVID-19 vaccine would work to protect against coronavirus.    Resources VYF: How Do Vaccines Work? CDC: The...