By Lynn Bozof Lynn Bozof is one of five founding members of the National Meningitis Association. As World Meningitis Day approaches, it’s a good reminder for all of us...
Every Child By Two Welcomes Christine Vara as Our New Co-Editor on Shot of Prevention By Christine Vara Who am I? Well, to sum it up, I am an...
By Lynn Bozof Lynn Bozof is one of five founding members of the National Meningitis Association. It’s great news that there is now a second vaccine licensed for meningococcal...
Check out this video “Momversation” of parents reacting to the recent Lancet retraction. Mommy blogger Daphne Brogdon of Cool Mom gathers some of her fellow parenting bloggers...
By Amy Pisani Journalist Michael Fumento’s opinion piece in today’s LA Times touches on the ramifications of the 1998 Wakefield study, which was retracted this week by the original...
By Amy Pisani Speaking with reporters from college newspapers across the country, ECBT spokesperson and H1N1 survivor Luke Duvall, continued his advocacy work by spreading the word about the...
By Amy Pisani Definitely take a minute to read this excellent piece in Forbes magazine from Robert Nelson, the father of an autistic child and a venture capitalist. Recently,...
By Amy Pisani [Update: We just received the exciting news that Luke will be appearing on Morning Joe on MSNBC tomorrow morning. Be sure to tune in between 8:20 and...
By Amy Pisani ECBT Spokesperson Brendalee Flint, whose daughter Julieanna contacted Hib during the 2008 outbreak in Minnesota was featured in a story by the Minnesota Pioneer Press regarding...
[Ed. Note – In honor of National Influenza Vaccination Week, we are having a post each day related to influenza. I wanted to re-share with you today a post...