
Preventing Shingles Today and the Promise of New Vaccines Tomorrow

The timing could not have been worse. It was the holiday season and many family members were traveling great distances to converge on “Mom’s House”.  To complicate matters even...

Pregnant Women Can Protect Babies from Pertussis Before Birth

  Every Child By Two’s “State of the ImmUnion” campaign is honoring National Immunization Awareness Month (#NIAM16) with a Blog Relay highlighting the importance of vaccines across the lifespan....

5 Ways to Keep Your College-Bound Student Healthy

Preparing a kid for college is akin to preparing for their arrival at birth.  There are so many details to think about, choices to consider and preparations to be...

Protecting Your Baby’s Health Starts with Vaccines in Pregnancy

National Immunization Awareness Month is a reminder that we all need vaccines throughout our lives.  This week we are focusing on the importance of vaccines during pregnancy.  These vaccines...

Andrew Wakefield Has Never Been, and Never Will Be, Exonerated

Every Child By Two (now Vaccinate Your Family) is pleased to launch another article in our series featuring guest writer Joel A. Harrison, PhD, MPH, a retired epidemiologist who has...

Everything is bigger in Texas — except when it’s not: A Texan reflects on #NIAM

In recognition of National Immunization Awareness Month (#NIAM16), Every Child By Two’s #StateofTheImmUnion campaign will highlight the importance of vaccines throughout the lifespan.  We are excited to present the first...

Meningococcal Disease Killed My Child, But a New Vaccine Means it Doesn’t Have to Kill Yours

This guest post was written by Neal Raisman, PhD, to highlight the threat of meningococcal disease in the U.S. as part of Vaccinate Your Family’s “State of the ImmUnion” campaign. My...

Shot of Prevention’s Year in Review: Top Posts from 2015

As we prepare for the challenges of 2016, we want to thank everyone for a successful 2015.  Once again, the past year has been one of tremendous growth.  We’ve seen a record number of...

“Vaccinate Your Family” Focuses On Vaccines Throughout the Life Span

Today, in anticipation of its 25-year anniversary, Every Child By Two (ECBT) announced the expansion of its original mission of ensuring timely vaccination of all children by the age...

Help Launch New “Vaccinate Your Family” Initiative on #GivingTuesday

We have a day for giving thanks. We have two days for getting deals. And on December 1st we have #GivingTuesday; a day when people are encouraged to celebrate...