Personal Stories

Parents, Protection and Freedoms

As my family celebrated Independence Day this past weekend, we took some time to visit several notable memorials in our nation’s capital, including the Lincoln, Vietnam Veterans, Korean War...

Protecting the Next Generation from HPV

On the last day of school, my daughter brought home a flyer that I wasn’t necessarily expecting.  It explained that the state law requires the Department of Health to provide the...

What Are Parents (More) Afraid Of?

I don’t want to oversimplify the vaccine debate, but lately I’ve seen it come down to numbers.  What are parents more afraid of?  The diseases that the vaccines are...

Meet Benjamin

Benjamin may look like your typical two-year old.  And in many ways he is.  He likes to play outside, go to the water park on a hot summer day and...

School Immunization Requirements: Check Now & Be Prepared for Changes

As the school year winds down, now is good time to review your child’s immunization records to ensure that they’ll meet next year’s school immunization requirements. Why now, you may wonder?  Why at...

When Did "Attachment Parenting" Come to Mean Vaccine Refusal?

Our Vaccinate Your Baby Facebook page is not only a place for people to connect, it has also become a place for people to take action.   This diverse community...

Raising a Generous Generation

Just a few days ago, my husband and I were discussing the possibility of another military motivated move for our family.  In evaluating the areas where we may be...

Diseases Are Often Just a Plane Ride Away

Like it or not, global health impacts us all. For all the complaining we do as Americans, it’s easy to see that, by comparison to other nations, we have...

One Small Life. One World Forever Changed.

Any parent who has ever held their newborn child in their arms knows that it is an indescribable moment – a moment that changes your world forever, in ways...

Once a Childhood Rite of Passage, Chickenpox is Vaccine Preventable

Most adults recall their experiences with chickenpox with great detail.  I remember that I was visiting my grandparents in Florida and they had planned to bring me to a...