
Evaluating the Safety of Flu Vaccination in Pregnancy

The decision to get a flu vaccination in pregnancy is one that should be based on a complete evaluation of the scientific evidence that is available.

Comprehensive Vaccine App Available on iPhones and iPads

If you’re looking for a comprehensive source of vaccine information, look no further than The Vaccine Handbook App, now available for Apple iPhones and iPads. This free downloadable App serves...

Autism Expert Agrees: It’s Time to Shift the Focus Off of Vaccines

As the Chief Science Officer at the Autism Science Foundation, Alycia Halladay, PhD, is concerned about the distraction that vaccines have become in the world of autism research.

The 60/40 Factor and This Year’s Flu Season: It’s Not Over Yet

Surveillance data shows that while the flu may have peaked in some areas of the country, flu activity remains elevated throughout most of the U.S. Since flu...

How Fake Vaccine News Is Dangerous to Us All

Fake news is nothing new to vaccine advocates. For years we’ve been countering vaccine misinformation from a large number of sites such as Mercola, Natural News, Age of Autism...

Did the Flu Take Down the Packers & the Steelers in the NFL Playoffs?

In the final weeks of NFL play, as the Green Bay Packers competed against the Atlanta Falcons and the Pittsburgh Steelers took on the New England Patriots, rumors circulated...

Multiple Vaccine Oversight Committees Ensure Our Public Safety

According to yesterday’s news reports, long-time vaccine critic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. met with President-elect Donald Trump. Kennedy reported that an offer was made to lead a new...

Experts Answer Questions About Flu

Last week, in honor of National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), Every Child By Two’s Vaccinate Your Family Facebook Page teamed up with experts from the National Foundation for Infectious...

Concerned Parents Duped by Deceptive Sound Bites and Junk Science

One of our priorities on Shot of Prevention blog is to provide accurate, evidence-based immunization information so that people can make educated decisions for themselves and their families.  Unfortunately, people...

Your Amazon Purchases Can Help Educate People About Vaccines

Make purchases throughout the year with AmazonSmile and Every Child By Two could receive .5% of the price of your eligible purchases as a charitable donation to help in their mission...