Expert Insights and Commentary

Friday Flu Shot: Protect Two

So it’s January, and even though you may not know anyone who has suffered with the flu yet, that doesn’t mean you’ve escaped the illness this year. The flu is very unpredictable.  While flu activity...

College Students Need Protection Too

Shots aren’t just for babies. In fact, it is recommended that children receive booster shots for various preventable diseases throughout their adolescent years.  And recently, since bacterial meningitis has proven to be a serious,...

Friday Flu Shot: This Week's Voices for Vaccines

As I mentioned in Monday’s post, I recently hosted a special conference call that was intended to provide other bloggers with information on seasonal influenza and the universal recommendation of flu vaccine.  The call...

Nurses Continue Emphasis on Immunizations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that 63% of healthcare workers received a seasonal influenza vaccine as of the beginning of November.  While this is a 7% increase over the...

Are You One in 111 Million?

Today marks the start of National Influenza Vaccination Week and so I ask; are you one in 111 million? If you’ve already received your influenza vaccination this season than,...

Friday Flu Shot: For Emily

Yesterday I had the privilege of being introduced to Emily Lastinger.  Her mother, Jen sounded much like any proud mother.  She spoke of how Emily liked princesses and power rangers.  She...

It's Not Cool For Kids to Skip Shots, But Go to School

After an Associated Press analysis was published yesterday, it didn’t take long for the message to spread like a cold in a daycare.  Although it was information that was spreading, rather...

Vaccine Approval Complicated by Costs

In last week’s Congress Blog, an article entitled Cost vs. Public Health expressed concerns over the current vaccine approval system in the United States.  The author suggests that the current system is “stifling...

Friday Flu Shot: Educating Air Travelers About Flu

Suddenly it’s November and the holidays will soon be upon us.  People will be traveling across the country, and sometimes even across the globe, to spend the time with...

Vaccines: Autism's Great Divide

Every Child By Two (ECBT) recently offered an informative webinar entitled “Autism 101 for Immunization Advocates”.  You may be asking, why would an immunization organization like Every Child By...