Personal Stories

Why We Celebrate “Flu Shot Day” in Our Home

By Robyn Correll, MPH My kids think Flu Shot Day is an official holiday — and in our house, it is. They get off school and my husband and...

A Pastor’s Perspective: The Moral Case for Getting a Flu Vaccine

By Rev. Kathryn Saunders-Allen I remember well the day that I got my chickenpox vaccine as a little girl. When I realized that we were pulling up to the...

12 Years Ago I Stopped Vaccinating My Children. Then I Changed My Mind.

This post originally appeared on It has been republished here with permission from the site.  By Lydia G., mother of three When I met my husband over about...

To Address Disparities We Must Close Loopholes to Nonmedical Exemptions for Vaccination Requirements

This guest post was written by Toni N. Harp, the former mayor of New Haven, Connecticut, and a former state senator. As a child, I survived diseases that others...

Staying Up to Date with Vaccinations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Critical

This guest post was written in May 2020 by VYF Board Member Mary Koslap-Petraco DNP, PPCNP-BC, CPNP, FAANP, an adjunct clinical assistant professor at Stony Brook University School of...

Today is World Polio Day

Today is World Polio Day, a day when thousands of Rotary Clubs around the world hold events to discuss our progress toward eradicating this disease. Vaccinate Your Family’s executive director,...

Ethan Lindenberger Wants to Help Stop the Lies About Vaccines

You may be familiar with Ethan Lindenberger, the eighteen-year-old who got himself vaccinated despite his parents’ anti-vaccine beliefs, and who most recently appeared before the Senate Committee on Health,...

This Valentine’s Day, Spread the Love by Making Sure Your Family is Vaccinated

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we’re sure you have love on the brain. It’s that time of year when everyone loves to share candy hearts, chocolates, hugs...

President of Planned Parenthood Shares Her Story of Cervical Cancer with SELF

As we come to the close of Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Lena Wen, President of Planned Parenthood shares her story about being diagnosed with cervical cancer when she...

Celebrating the Life of ECBT Cofounder Betty Bumpers 1925 – 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, Vaccinate Your Family’s Shot of Prevention blog offers a tribute to Betty Flanagan Bumpers, Cofounder of Every Child By Two. Betty passed away...