History of Vaccines: A New Website by the Oldest Medical Society in the United States Stanley A. Plotkin, MD Before Edward Jenner developed vaccination for smallpox in 1796, the...
By Christine Vara Yesterday, my daughters and I got our flu shots. Actually, we got a double nasal spray – one up each nostril. I must say that whoever...
By Belinda Duvall Fall is here again bringing crisp air, beautiful fall leaves, and family events. It is also the one year anniversary of my son, Luke, almost losing...
By Christine Vara It’s October and the weather has briskly announced that fall has arrived. Along with pumpkins, falling leaves and Halloween decorations, now is the time to say...
By Frankie Milley A member of my family, after five miscarriages and at the age of 36, is finally about to give birth to a healthy baby boy. As...
By Christine Vara This past week on Shot of Prevention has been extremely exciting. We’ve seen a lot of activity and numerous new voices contributing their thoughts and insights...
Last week, we read a terrific blog p0st from Shannon Des Roches Rosa on The Thinking Person’s Guide To Autism blog. It was so wonderfully written – heartfelt, down to earth, personable and...
By Christine Vara If you live in California, than you’ve most likely heard of the pertussis epidemic that has been declared there. However, here on the East Coast, many people...
By Christine Vara After viewing the recent CBS News coverage of pertussis, it’s a wonder all five of my children survived past infancy. The piece led with a heartbreaking story of Mariah Bianchi, a responsible...
By Christine Vara Parents have so much to keep track of for their children and vaccinations are no different. Since children may receive up to 24 vaccinations to protect them from...