Help Launch New “Vaccinate Your Family” Initiative on #GivingTuesday
Dec 01, 2015

2015-Its-Time-for-Giving1-300x300We have a day for giving thanks.

We have two days for getting deals.

And on December 1st we have #GivingTuesday;

a day when people are encouraged to celebrate generosity and give back.

As Every Child By Two (ECBT) continues our annual partnership with the Giving Tuesday initiative, we wish to thank you for your generous support over the years and ask for your continued support this year as we broaden our organizational mission.

With less than five employees, Every Child By Two has always been a small nonprofit with a big mission. We pride ourselves in putting our combined expertise and our passion into every project we undertake because we know that our programs have the potential to save lives.  Therefore, our gift – today and everyday – is one of health!

Since the organization’s inception in 1991, Every Child By Two has made enormous strides towards

  • removing immunization delivery barriers
  • reducing ethnic and racial disparities
  • educating the public about the importance of timely immunizations and the safety of vaccines
  • and supporting the development of sound public health policies

Thanks to your support, ECBT’s Vaccinate Your Baby initiative has exceeded our wildest expectations. Messaging from our Vaccinate Your Baby Facebook page, our Shot of Prevention blog and our @ShotofPrev and @EveryChildBy2 Twitter accounts continue to reach as many as 7 million people each year with scientifically-accurate news and information highlighting the importance of timely immunizations.

As we approach our 25 year anniversary in 2016, Every Child By Two is expanding our mission to help reduce the incidence of preventable diseases among people of all ages.  Our new Vaccinate Your Family initiative, set to be revealed with the launch of a new website later this week, will focus on protecting people of all ages by promoting immunizations throughout the life span.

Our new site will include information on vaccines needed at each stage of life, to include vaccines for pregnant women, children, adolescents and adults.  It will also provide details about the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases, answer questions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and include personal stories from families who have been affected by deadly, but preventable infectious diseases.

GivingTuesdayVYFImageThis #GivingTuesday, Every Child By Two needs your support to ensure that this new Vaccinate Your Family program will make as big as an impact as our Vaccinate Your Baby campaign has. By making a tax deductible donation, you can help ensure that we continue to educate our communities about the importance of immunizations through the proliferation of credible vaccine resources.

Please visit our Every Child By Two donation page and consider a contribution that demonstrates the value of vaccines. Whether you can give $15, $50, $500, or more, your contribution this #GivingTuesday is critical to Every Child By Two’s newly expanded mission to save lives through timely vaccination.

We are truly grateful for your support and for all you do to ensure the health of our communities.

With Warmest Regards, 

Amy Pisani, Executive Director, Every Child By Two 

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